Who IS this guy?!

'Niceguy' Eddie

Political Talk Show Host and Internet Radio Personality. My show, In My Humble Opinion, aired on RainbowRadio from 2015-2017, and has returned for 2021! Feel free to contact me at niceguy9418@usa.com. You can also friend me on Facebook.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Another Old Friend...

Guess what, guys? I heard from our old friend, William “The Autopsychic” Johnson yesterday!

And apparently he’s feeling butt-hurt about the new comment settings, claiming some civil rights violation, or something… Well, here... I’ll post his email (just as I told him I would) and then put my response below it:

Re: Freedom of Speech Denied ... Expectedly


I see you are restricting your site to only those who give opinions that equal your own. I would expect nothing less from someone who is such a heterophobic and hater. Otherwise you would have let me post this under my previously allowed web site name. Way to support freedom of speech ... as long as it agrees with your own tweaked ideals.

my response to your hateful article:

"Did you realize that in 29 States it remaines(SIC) perfectly legal to fire someone for no other reason that(SIC) being Gay? Add another 5 where it's legal to fire someone for being Transgenered (SIC)."
Well, let's test your hypocrisy on sexual perversions: do you think it should be legal to fire someone for being a polygamist? Oh? You don't? But, yet you don't support that deviated lifestyle choice, do you? Well, I don't support the gay lifestyle choice and I don't think you should be fired for being gay either, but that isn't what the SC decided on, is it? You seem to be comparing apples to oranges in your rant about rights you think gays should get that heteros don't have. Because I don't think I've seen anything that gives marriage "rights" to heterosexuals, yet you demand those "rights" for gays and other sexual deviances (except polygamy). But, not to worry, though. Knowing you are a "progressive" fully explains the hypocrisy and hatred you hold towards others.

I think all the reasons you support and defend gay equality have been fully explained in relation to their equal standings of being perverted lifestyle CHOICES. When you can defend your heterophobia as a good thing and then refer to homophobia as a bad thing, you are being the hypocrite that all liberals are.

BTW, you DO know that if the SC would actually decide according to LAW and not their FEELINGS then the decision would NOT have gone the way you think it should have. But that's just the hypocrisy of your phobias at work there.


Wow. What a fucking drama queen, huh?

William: You flatter yourself. I have absolutely nothing to fear from you posting your opinion here. There has yet to be a single instance in which I’ve been worried that any remotely sensible person will read what I’ve posted, read what you’ve posted and then side with you. With you (and Anonymous, assuming that wasn’t also you) representing the voices of conservatism here, you (two?) have only ever made my job easier. So it is in keeping with both my principles AND my self-interest that your opinion is welcome here.

Now… You mentioned hypocrisy in your email. I’ll get the issue at hand in a moment, but I find it ironic that you would go that route in considering how the last time I heard from you, you accused me of “whining” and yet here I haven’t from you in months (almost a year?) and yet you start in with the melodrama from line one! Just sayin’ man, get over yourself. We’re just talking here.

And now to the issue at hand: Polygamy.

Um… I hate to burst your bubble and pretty much destroy your hypocrisy argument, but I have always maintained that I’m OK with anything going on between consenting adults, and YES, that included plural marriage. Now I’m going to cut off several lines of argument right up front...

I don’t want ANYONE to tell me about how this leads to MINORS being COERCED into these arrangements. The words “CONSENTING ADULTS” are 100% incompatible with “COERCED MINORS.” The OPPOSITE, in fact. I'm opposed to that which is COERSION, and NOT opposed to that which ISN'T. It's not that hard! Also, Will, you needn't bother going next to Bestiality, because “Consenting Adults” implies that they are HUMAN. In fact… CONSENT, in a LEGAL SENSE, already implies not only humanity, but ADULTS as well. Under most tenant of business and contract law, minors are not able to GIVE consent (hence statutory rape laws) and can withdraw it after the fact regardless (hence the need for an adult to co-sign most contracts signed by a minor.) And animals, obviously, cannot give consent in any legal sense, nor enter into contracts. So… Don’t be an idiot.

The only thing… THE. ONLY. THING… I would restrict with regards to plural marriage is the number of spouses (SPOUSES, not CHILDREN) that can be claimed as dependants for tax purposes. I’d keep that at ONE. Not to discriminate, but only to prevent some jackass from abusing the loophole and have 67 wives for “tax purposes.” And I would certainly be willing to entertain alternatves, if that seems "oppressive" to you. Aside for that? I have no problem with Polygamy. It’s not MY THING… ONE wife, darling though she may be, is MORE THAN ENOUGH for me on most days. I need another one like I need a case of bleeding hemorrhoids. But neither I nor anyone else is being harmed by the people involved, just as none are with same-sex marriage, and I see no “crime” being committed here. Neither is my thing, but I see no reason to prevent it.

It’s called, “F-R-E-E-D-O-M.” Maybe you’ve heard of it?

Also, you called me “heterophobic.” (Which, according to spell-check, isn’t even a word!) That’s a really odd accusation to make against a married man, with two children. None of what I support takes ANY of your rights or legal protections away, and none of what I support gives anything to anyone beyond EQUAL TREATMENT UNDER THE LAW. And that’s something this IS at the heart and soul of America, our Constitution, and everything we stand for and the Supreme Court recognized that and ruled accordingly. Also, I’m not sure if you know how things work in this country, but the SCOTUS is under no obligation to uphold legislation passed by Congress, State Governments or Popular Referendum. Their raison deter is to judge the Constitutionality of these very laws! They’re one of those CHECKS AND BALANCES that maybe you’ve heard of? And while I have personally disagreed with many of the decisions made by the Rehnquist and Roberts court, as is both our perrogotives, I would never be so idiotic as to suggest that it was beyond their authority to MAKE those rulings! (As you seem to have done.)

The differecne between YOU and ME is that I want the SAME rights for EVERYONE. You don't. That doesn't make either of us a hypocrite, in and of itself. It just makes you an asshole.
And with regards to being my “heterophobic…” (which, according to spell-checker, isn't even a WORD!) Dude, seriously, I LOVE heterosexuality! Especially the part abpout having SEX WITH WOMEN. Aside from a slight preference for Lesbian over Strait pornography, I don’t see where you get the idea that I am in any way AGAINST heterosexuality. Even in THAT case, it is only because the sight of HUGE COCKS doesn’t really DO anything for me. And hey: I don’t judge… If YOU’RE really into BIG DICKS? That’s OK. It’s just not my thing. But to each their own.

At this point, there’s not really anywhere for you to go from here. (So watch: You’ll probably change the subject.) You could have wasted a lot less of both our time if you bothered to google “polygamy” in the search box on the left. You’d have seen that I’ve argued my position before. But then… Research never HAS been your strong suit. Now I’m going to switch gears here a little bit, because I originally responded to William via email, explaining why I changed the comment settings, and promising to post his email and respond to it publicly. (As I have now done.) Here is the response I received from him:

I've got a google account, and it didn't work. I think you don't intend to allow opposing opinions. It has been made apparent throughout. You are hateful towards anyone who isn't fully in agreement with your "opinion", and to say you would allow it is simply silly. Thanks for the attempted explanation for you hatred, anyhow.

Oh, poor, poor William Johnson. Let’s all shed a tear for the death of liberty, and lament the passing of that time when men lived free.

BTW, Will… If I “hated” you, it would not be because of your opinions. It would mostly be because of this butt-hurt, melodramatic persecution complex you insist on wallowing in. (And it’s not “hate” so much as it’s just really pathetic and annoying.) Your opinions ARE, IMHO, ignorant, misinformed, mostly hateful, and both spiritually and scientifically misguided. But you remained entitled to both have and express them. And as I’ve said before and demonstrated with this post: I would not DREAM of suppressing them. Free speech is sacrosanct with me, and this includes even what some might label “hate speech.” (I’m not saying YOUR’S is necessarily, just saying how far I take that and how seriously I hold to that principle.) I have never, and will never, knowingly or intentionally deleted a comment from you or anyone else, with the exception of obvious SPAM. But just as you are entitled (and welcome) to speak (here), I and everyone else is entitled to our opinions and to respond in kind. So if you don’t wish to be treated like an idiot, stop posting stupid shit!

On a less histrionic note… I have noticed the lack of comments lately, possibly due to the lack of regular postings myself but also possibly due to the comment settings being overly restrictive (although to date Will is the only one who’s complained about that or let me know) or to the lack of disagreement without our favorite punching bags, William and/or Anonymous, [same person?] to kick around anymore. Well, whatever the case, I’m going to try and tweak the comment settings again. I’m going to allow anonymous posting (all posting, basically) but I’m going to require a Captcha phrase to prevent spam. I personally don’t like those, but Blogger doesn’t leave me many options. So I’m going to do that, and post a brief guideline above, just so people like William know what will get a comment deleted and what won’t. And I’ll say it right up front: If the Captcha requirement isn’t effective, I will go back to the current settings. We’ll just have to see how it goes.

And Will? you can test me all you want, but you will fail every single time. There is no political or opinion you could post here that would cause to go against my principles, and you have nowhere near the intellectual gravitas to catch me in a rhetorical trap that I can’t get out of with a trivial effort. But you are certainly welcome to try: I will continue to take on all comers.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Radical Gay Agenda

Now that the Hall of Fame posts are up to date, I want to post some stuff about LGBT Rights, some of the recent victories, some of the disgusting backlash, and some other semi-related stuff that I've come accross that I want to share.

First of all, HOO-RAY for the Supreme Court Striking down DOMA! And hoo-ray for their deft handling of the Prop 8 case. Of course, it would have been nice for them to have struck it down outright as well, but doing it the way they did prevents establishing the precedent of CITIZENS defending unconstitutional laws, and really, makes it so that NO ONE can say that the court 'over-reached.' In fact, they dealt only with precisely the issue in front of them, staying well within the bounds or Constitutional Law and Precedent, and reached precisely the correct conclusion - in both cases - with precisely the right reasoning. (Leaving the door WAAAY open to strike down State Prohibitions in a later case, using Justice Kennedy's same reasoning.)

The wierd thing is? Had the State of California actually decide intially to DEFEND Prop 8? And then APPEAL the Lower Court's decision to overturn it? Then the Supreme Court WOULD have had the standing to strike it down, thus invalidating ALL OF THE OTHER State's homophobic marriage statutes! Isn't that amazaing? Because California did the RIGHT THING in NOT defending this abomination of a law... OTHER State's still get to discriminate!

THAT'S what you call "unintended consequences." Funny how things sometimes work out, especially considering the backlash the Godlen State would have gotten if they not only DEFENDED the law, but then APPEALED the decision to strike it down! And yet... If they did? Well, shoot, we might have Gay Marriage in all 50 States Rigth Now!

Which leads me to another milestone in the fight for gay and transgendered equality...

Did you realize that in 29 States it remaines perfectly legal to fire someone for no other reason that being Gay? Add another 5 where it's legal to fire someone for being Transgenered. Now Congress is attempting to do something about that with EDNA. And in respose to pointing out all of the media's misinformation about EDNA, MMFA poster santovicente had this to say:

And so it begins. Getting married ain't nearly good enough. Now, we gotta put up with all sorts of laws making it illegal to not like queers.

Now... I put up his post, because I would like to share my response, which I'm rather proud of, before MMFA decides to take it down. (And they really should! LOL)

You're a right royal prick, aren't you?

No, "getting married" AIN'T enough, you festering boil!

"ENOUGH" is being treaty EQUALLY. Not be DISCRIMINATED against. To have ALL THE SAME INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS as ALL HUMAN BEINGS have and are entitled to, you bucket of sweltering pig's vomit!

Personally, I wonder what would be enough for YOU? Concentration Camps and re-education centers? Maybe YOU'LL be satisfied when you'll be able to go through your day without ever having to deal with anyone who's the slightest bit different that you are, you pimply pustule.

THEY are human beings. YOU would be little more than an APE, IF I wasn't such a wildlife enthusiast.

Now... Putting aside the well deserved rant and artistic vitirol, there is a serious point to make here.

In MY VISION of a perfect world, all people get to enjoy the great opportunity and quality of life that this great coutry offers, and get to participate in the great democratic political process REGARDLESS of whether they are Black, White, Red, Brown or Yellow, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, Gay, Strait, Bi-, Pan-, Cis-, Trans-, Able-Bodied, Handicapped, Autistic, Blind, Deaf, Mute or Fluently English Speaking. In MY perfect world, ALL PEOPLE enjoy all of the great things that Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness have to offer.


What does THIS ASSHOLE'S perfect world look like, I wonder? What is so terrible about MY vision, MY ideals, MY 'perfect world' (OURS, really, but you get what I'm saying) that causes scumbags like him to recoil and lash out with hate and venom every time we take one small step closer to it? Seriously!

What are they offering that is so wonderful? What... We all get to enjoy life so long as we do everything just like them?

This isn't chariceture, and it's NOT rhetorical. I want to know what these fuck-nuts on the Right, these Religious Funny-Mentalists have against the idea that ALL human life - ACTUAL human life - is sacrosant, and that no one person's rights are greater than another's, and thus no one has the right to take anything away from another. What the fuck is so WRONG with that? What the fuck is wrong with them? Becuase I cannot even understand, let alone abide, the way these people "think!"

Another MMFA Piece, was this Washingtom Times Piece from Elaine "Shrieking Harpy" Donnelly, saying (among other things) that "Mr. Obama has used the armed forces to deliver on political promises to his homosexual base, and traditional military families are about to pay the bill." This is part of a larger column arguing (falsely) that extending marriage benefits to same-sex couples is somehow going to harm "traditional" military families. Basically that these good old, hard-working Christians are going to have to foot the bill (negligible though it may be) for treating Gays like human beings.

And again, I bring it up, because I would like to share my response:


The abolition of slavery came with a cost too.

We don't treat our fellow human beings with equality because it's cost effective, we do it because IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO, YOU HORRIBLE BITCH!

(What can I say... I was in a ranting mood today!)

But seriously, again: What the fuck is wrong with these fucking people? What they hell is wrong with treating HUMAN FUCKING BEINGS like HUMAN FUCKING BEINGS?! What part of "ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL" do these genetically defective mental midgets not fucking understand?!

There were others, but I'm all ranted out now. I hope you enjoyed reading that, and if I've offended your sense of Christian Morals, please feel free to go fuck yourself. Anytime.

I'll leave you with this EXCELLENT video. I almost wish that Anonymous had the intitive (and the balls) to set up some manner of account so he could keep postiong, becuase this directly debunks a lot of what we we used to argue about - the idea of CHOICE and whether or not one is "born that way." As I've said before: Science WOKRS. Yay SCIENCE. (Sadly, I am not planning to re-instate anonymous posting any time soon unless Blogger fixes their spam filter, BIG TIME. There was just too much crap getting through.)

Gold Star Awards, July, 2013



Two Gold, One Silver...

The Johnny Bench GOLD STAR #71: Move On

Much as with June's induction of Color of Change, I'm sure I don't have to explain this one, other than to say that I've been meaning to include it for YEARS. Glad I could finally get around to it.

The Carl Yastrzemski GOLD STAR #72: Gawker

OK... In all seriousness, I'll adimt this was a bordeline SILVER STAR-level nominee. This is mostly... crap. Amusing crap, but yeah... Brain candy all the same. Still... it can make you think. AND it slaps the Conservatives around a bit... So it's OK in my book.

The Red Schoendienst SILVER STAR #64: Angry Toro

Funny. Funny. Memes. Funny. This is yet another collection of just funny shit. If you like The Metapicture, you'll like this. (Although you'll also notice a lot of overlap in their content.) I'm also not crazy about the one picture per page load, but there's no denying that they're always good for a smile.

Gold Star Awards, June 2013


A single Gold Star...

The Willie Stargell GOLD STAR #70: Color of Change

What can I say that hasn't already been said? This one has been a LOOOONG time coming. Please support their work.

Gold Star Awards, May, 2013

The Second of Four...


Two Golds...

The Jim "Catfish" Hunter Gold Star #68: Extreme Liberal's Blog

Really? I have to explain this one? Hey: I don't agree with him that Presdient Obama's done a "phenomonal job," all things considered or otherwise, but there's no denything that this man's heart and head are in the right place, and I'm happy to endrorse his work. So check him out!

The Billy Williams Gold Star #69: Quackwatch

If I have not yet made myself clear on this point, allow me make it clear now: I am vehemently opposed to most all forms of "alternative medicine." It's very simple: Science WORKS. And if this ABSOLUTE HORSE-SHIT worked? THEY'D FUCKING CALL IT "MEDICINE!" I hate the anti-vaxers, for all the children they've wantonly killed. I hate faith-healers and parents who pray, while their children die of curable diseases. I hate homeopethists, and all other manner of snake-oil peddlers, and pretty mush ANYONE taking your hard earned cash, while selling you some magical new form of magically endowed water, all the while telling you why Doctors are trying to keep them down. (HINT: It's becuase the shit doesn't fucking WORK!) Reiki, Reflexology, Chi-Manipulation... even Chiropracters and Acupunturists (who stuff "works" but not for the reasons they claim!) If you want all the references you'll ever (likely) need in one place, there's only one place better than Skepdic.com, and that's QUACKWATCH. Keep up the good work, and may Jenny McCarthy burn in hell for all the children she's nmurdered!

Gold Star Awards, April, 2013

OK. Fell behind on these AGAIN, and I promised to get them up to date before moving on. SO... Tonight I'm going to blog until my fingers bleed, I'm going to get these posts caught up, through to JULY, and THEM I'm going to get back to posting thing like I used to. (Works be crazy and I've been lazy. All the same, I still don't like having this backlog of HoF posts to put up. One per moneth is sufficient.) (Nobody ever comments on them anyway! LOL)

OK... We're up to 1986, One gold, Two Silvers...

The Willie McCovey GOLD STAR #67: The Smirking Chimp
George W. Bush may be gone (but for this country;'s sake, let's hope he's NEVER forgotten!) but the news and information website who name was inspired by his caricacture is still alive and kicking and every bit as relevant as ever. Any thinking person should DEFINITELY inculude this collection of 'news and commentary from the vast Left-Wing conspiorcy' in there collection of infromation source.

The Bobby Doerr SILVER STAR #62: The Adventure of Gyno-Star
Do you rememebr SNL's "Abibuguosuly Gay Duo?" Well, imagine them as an outspoken (yet somehow still failry ditzy) feminist with a spunky lit'l lesbian sidekick, only played strait, and you've got THE ADNVENTURES OF GYNO STAR. I was hooked from the moment I saw their earliest nemesis: The Glibertarian! Great sataire, great politics, great fun. Check it out.

The Ernie Lombardi SILVER STAR #63: You Suck
OK, I'll say this right up front: PORN WARNING! NSFW! This is a web-comic I discovered fairly recently, about a succubus stuck on earth and rooming with a horny, 5-foot tall, red-headed force of nature. It's an immature comic aimed at mature audiences, and while still in its early stages, I've got to admit: I love it. (And the horny, red-headed female lead? OMFG... Pure sexual chocolate. I ashamed to admit what a crush I have on her right now! LOL) ANyway, good stuff, but not for those who have a stick up their butt aboutmatuture content.>

Friday, July 5, 2013


I was saddened today to learn about the death of an old friend of mine.  We had been out of touch for many years - pretty much since High School Graduation, I'm sorry to say. And over the years I had  looked for him many time online, but to no avail. 

We were in a band together.  I (sort of) played the drums, and he consistently amazed everyone who ever heard him play, with his incredible skills on the guitar. Having gone to a small School, over the years I have had some contact with almost everyone in my graduating class, but not Greg. He was always conspicuously absent from Classmates, Facebook, etc... But it wasn't until today that I found out why.

He passed away in 1998, at the age of 24, of complications related to a heart defect.

I had known about his medical history at the time, but I was still stunned to learn about what had happened.  When I first met him, he became the first friend I made at a new school and he remains to this day, far and away, the most talented musician I have been had the honor of sharing a stage with. I have never met a more talented or dedicated guitarist, and the world was robbed the contributions of a great artist for him having left us at such a young age.

Rest in peace and rock on, my friend.

(video not mine - created by his sister)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Write down this date...

For we shall move forward, once again, despite 
the same fools that have stood in the way of history's 
progress since the beginning of time. And 50 years from 
now, there will still be Conservatives making the same
tired old arguments about the new issues of the day, while 
at the same time insisting they're nothing like the terrible 
people (of the past) who are making those same arguments today.

~Niceguy Eddie

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Gold Star Awards, March, 2013

Two down, two to go...

It's 1985. Two Gold's, to Silver's...

The Lou Brock Gold Star #65: Godless Liberal Homo

He’s an atheist. He’s a Liberal. He’s gay. And these are all good things. He’s also a damned good writer, with an irreverent and sardonic wit and a take on things that is very often right after my own heart. These are ALSO very good things. Check him out!

The Hoyt Wilhelm Gold Star: GOOGLE

Do I really have to explain the value of Google?! The only thing I can’t figure out is why it took me this long to include it!

The Enos Slaughter Silver Star #61: Coloring for Grown-Ups

Sometimes the most important points are best made in the simplest manner. And the most child-like. And the most sarcastic. These are some of those points.

The Arky Vaughan Silver Star #62: Savage Love

Ironic that only two posts ago I made mention of one of Dan Savage’s less enlightened moments in the form of some trans-phobic comments he’d made a couple of years. But I still believe (and TG Author Christine Smith agrees with me) that he and his column have done a world of good, and his “safe, sane and consensual” (as well as “good, giving and game”) philosophy serve as an excellent framework for approaching nearly all things related to love, sex and relationships. (Plus… Santorum. LOL. Come on – you’ve GOT to give him props for that!)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Gold Star Awards, February, 2013

Sheesh. After falling four months behind on my “Hall of Fame” posts, I finally got caught up back at the beginning of February. Of course… I never got around to doing FEBRUARY’S and now here I am, four months later, and I’m four months behind again! So I’m going to use the next couple of day to get up to speed again, and hopefully keep that going.

We’re up to 1984 – a big year – with three Gold’s and two Silvers:

The Luis Aparicio GOLD STAR #62: The Good Men Project

This Blog (?) offers “a glimpse of what enlightened masculinity might look like in the 21st century […] fostering a national discussion centered around modern manhood and the question, ‘What does it mean to be a good man?’” And I have to say that they have a far higher quality of product to offer in that regarding than so many of these Maxim-wannabe sources out there. As in most things, I cannot say that agree with everything they post, but the generally offer a very progressive, enlightened outlook on everything from chivalry, gender roles, sexuality, politics, career, marriage and so many other things that are important to [us] “good men,” but which so often draw the short stick when it comes to coverage in the media and representation in the popular culture.

The Don Drysdale GOLD STAR #63: The Illustrated Guide to Law

This incredibly simple website is part-blog, part online-resource and part-webcomic, and serves as an excellent font of understanding of the law presented in a format that the lay-person can absolutely understand and appreciate. It remains a work in progress, but already covers a wide ranges of topics including rights, police procedure, trials, the roles each person plays, explanation of existing laws and legal concept, precedent, etc… It is not [as far as I can tell] written with any political or social agenda in mind, other than to give people a better understanding of how the law works, why things are the way they are, and what rights you do and do not have under the law. An excellent resource for anyone who wants to better understand the way thing work (or don’t) particularly if they wish to speak on, or advocate for, reforms within the legal system.

The Harmon Killebrew GOLD STAR#64: Scholars & Rogues

“Scholars & Rogues is a diverse band of thinkers, social analysts, activists, grousers, jesters, and troublemakers. We’re all different in a variety of ways, but we share a general belief in progress, a conviction that smarter is better, and a passionate distaste for convention.” A diverse collection of writers from a variety of backgrounds and political schools of thought makes S&R an excellent source of both balanced and contentious commentary on a wide range of issues relating to politics, the media, social progress, the environment, the economy and so much else. They do a fantastic job approaching things from angles, and while everyone id likely going to find something they disagree with, they will absolutely be given something to think long and hard about after reading it. You can’t ask for any more than that.

The Rick Ferrell Silver Star #59: The Worst Things for Sale

In one of the earliest silver star awards, I had honored a similar site about “Things found (for free) on Craig’s List” or some such thing. It went defunct years ago, and has since been replace by another site, but I’ll never forget the writer’s hilarious commentary, and all of the absurd things he was able to find. (A “free” row boat that was absolutely FILLED with yard-waste still sticks out in my mind.) Well this blog is a lot like that – funny and biting commentary on really stupid shit. Only this time? People are expected to PAY for said shit! (And the worst thing? I’ve BOUGHT some of this stuff!) Check it out. You WILL laugh.

The Pee Wee Reese Silver Star #60: Pleated Jeans

Yet another collection of funny videos, pictures and meme’s. What can I say? I’m a junkie for this kind of thing! But seriously, add them your list of sites like FailBlog, Metapicture, AngryToro , Chive, etc… As they themselves claim: No Filler, just funny. Absolutely.

(And I'll be getting these caught up through May over the next few posts.)

Friday, May 10, 2013

HRC's Response

After speaking with Christine Smith last week, I wanted to follow up on one of the items we'd discussed: The perception within the Trans community of having been repeatedly thrown under the bus by the LGBT activist group, the Human Rights Campaign.  I sent a letter to HRC which included the following excerpt from our interview:

The HRC has long has a disconnect with the transgender community, and have often advanced efforts for gays and lesbians through betrayal of promises made to transgender people. Former HRC director Elizabeth Birch famously addressed transgender issues by saying: “trans inclusion will be a legislative priority over my dead body.” We have long been the bargaining chip they have discarded in order to gain concessions for themselves. My disdain for the organization is Brobdingnagian. You’ll have a difficult time finding many transgender people who support the HRC. They have been happy to take our money, but seem to have felt no actual responsibility to represent us. There is a saying in the trans community: “You can tell when the HRC bus has come to town by the transgender bodies left crushed beneath their wheels.” There is no trust between us to build upon right now. I can’t imagine that this will change anytime soon. I don’t know if it ever will.

I requested an opportunity to speak directly with one of their spokespeople, and also offered to publish a response, if they would like to provide one. Unfortunately (though not too surprisingly) they did not take up my offer of an interview, but (for what it's worth) did send me the following statement:

Thank you for contacting HRC to share your feedback.

It is important that we hear the feedback of our supporters so we can continue to improve the experience they have with the organization. While we regret that you feel this way, HRC will continue to work on issues important to the transgender community and serve everyone. More information about our work is available at www.hrc.org/transgender. Specifically, HRC is dedicating much time and energy to rally support in order to pass an all-inclusive Employment-Non Discrimination Act so that people of any gender identity can feel safe and supported when pursuing and working in a job

The HRC Foundation is doing important work at the non-political level for the transgender community. The Workplace Project, as part of its mission, works with companies to ensure that their employment policies and benefits create a safe and supportive environment for those of any sexual orientation and gender identity. The Family Project, through its work with healthcare facilities, is helping hospitals staff members to understand the unique concerns of LGBT individuals. To learn about the specific policies and procedures that these departments are pushing to help the transgender community, feel free to contact those staff members directly at workplace@hrc.org or family@hrc.org.

Monday, May 6, 2013

My Interview with Christine Smith

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with the very talented Christine Smith, author and creator of Eve’s Apple and The Princess, who was generous enough to share some of her personal experiences and political opinions with me… after warning me of having substantial misgivings with some of the “sacred cows” of the Left, I might add! It made for a truly fascinating conversation, and really broadened my perspective on several issues. I'd like to share with you all what she had to say.

(Artwork used with permission)

Christine, thank you for taking the time to speak with me.

First off, I assume "Christine Smith" is a pseudonym (as is "Eddie Cabot,") but am I correct in understanding that, as the author of two comics primarily about MtF transgendered characters, that you yourself are MtF trans?

Nope, Christine Smith is my actual name. With such a common name, who needs a pseudonym? ;') And yes, I am MTF trans.

We'll get the obvious one out of the way: How old were you when you were first aware that something was different about you in that regard?

Well, I always knew I was a girl. The first time I remember knowing something was “off” was when my sister explained the vagina/penis thing….. It’s hard to remember exactly when that was, but I think I was 3-5 years old. I was understandably bummed out. A few years later…. It must have been ’77… I saw Renee Richards discussed on the Phil Donahue show. I would have been six years old. It was the first time I had heard about transsexuals, and suddenly my feelings made sense to me. It was a moment of hope. Later that day I was in my backyard with my sister, on our tire swing as I remember it. I told her when I grew up I was going to be a woman, and she told me the-hell-I-will. Now, in her defense, I’m certain she was looking out for me, trying to protect me,and that she believed every word. She broke down for me the future she saw ahead for me: I would be a monster. I would be a pariah. I would be disowned, homeless, unloved and alone. I was not allowed to be this. So, I learned to repress, and to survive by not letting myself be known.

Where do you see yourself in terms of your transition? (Personally, I mean, not medically, which is none of anyone else's business.)

Well, I started transition at the end of the 90’s and I’m out to everyone, so I’m pretty comfy by now. Or, as much as possible, given the society in which I live.

How did family and friends react?

My parents responded supportively, although it’s worth noting that we are much more distant now than we were before. That’s not all on them, and some of it may have happened anyway in time, as I started spending holidays at home with my wife since she can’t get a week at a time off from work. We communicate sporadically, each kind of feeling we should be in touch more. My sister…. We’ve long had a strained relationship. She held on to a very strong second wave feminism opinion against transgender people for decades, well into my transition. I don’t know where her head’s at about it right now. We’re not in touch at the moment.

My friends, none of them I hung out with had a problem with it. Although it’s also worth noting that I’ve only ever had a small handful of friends at any given time. Still, their response was along the lines of ‘oh, okay then. Wanna play video games?” What’s been really wonderful is that although I used to move a lot and shed friends quite a bit, we now live in the age of social media, and I’ve been lucky enough to reconnect with friends from high school. All of them are happy for me. I’ve never had many friends, but it’s good to know that some of them were…. and are…. friends of the highest quality.

Was there anyone you’ve avoided getting in touch with, out of concern that they would be somewhat LESS than accepting?

Well, let me put it this way: The people from my past are people who went to the effort to find me. So, [yes,] that fear is still in place for everyone else.

How did you get into doing artwork, and the Comics? Do you do do it professionally?

Oh, I’ve drawn since I was able to grip a crayon. I think it’s just part of my nature to need to make things that are beautiful or at least visually interesting. Cartooning was always what appealed to me most. Professionally? Well, I illustrate Gwen Smith’s biweekly column in the Bay Area Reporter, and I’ve been paid for every book I’ve contributed to except for one that was a social action thing. But more than that? Sadly, no. Not yet.

Do you have other projects that you'd like to make people aware of?

I am in the book No Straight Lines: Four Decades Of Queer Comics Ed. Justin Hall. It is a current nominee for the Eisner award for best anthology, and you are currently able to vote on it at their website. So go! Do so! [Sorry - turns out that only professional, registered artists can vote.]

I also art done for Kate Bornstein’s My New Gender Workbook which should be out in May. We created a character together, and I drew hir in several different states, and Kate used hir to punctuate her text. It was kind of awesome to work with her. She’s someone I just adore.

Also, out later this year, an anthology of contemporary queer comics submitting original work. It’s edited by Rob Kirby whose work I was reading back in the 90’s. Plus, hey; I can say I worked with Kirby without lying now.

How much of your personal experience or journey makes it into the comics?

Oh, never doubt for a second that I’m a self-obsessed introvert. It’s all me. There’s a lot of coding and misdirection, but at core it’s all extremely personal, a way of making sense of my life. Psychological archeology, if you will.

Are any Characters based on people you know? Is there an "Author Avatar" in one of them? Where else do you find inspiration for the stories?

I think they’re all me through a different lens. I find some of myself in all of them. Self-obsessed introvert, remember? Who do I understand better than me? I suppose that if I can keep figuring out what they do next and why, I have to understand them on some level. The best way to do that is to relate to them, and that tends to mean they’re an aspect of me.

As for inspiration, a lot of it comes from the movement among parents and caregivers who are educating themselves and spreading the word and doing the best they can with an open mind for their gender nonconforming children. I am so grateful for them. They give me hope that progress will be made, and future children will be spared a lot of what I went through. Also, the children themselves. I have none of my own….. The Princess is my way to help them have it just a little easier. Sometimes one of them makes the news and I find I can fit it in very well. The Girl Scouts welcoming of little transgender girls quite obviously inspired a story. People need to think about these things, work them out in their own minds. That’s how we move forward.

Were you a regular reader of any other TG Comics before you got into doing your own? Venus Envy, by Erin Lindsay, Transgirl Diaries, by Evelyn Poor and Closetspace by Jenn Dolari, all come to mind. I'm curious if any of these (or others) particularly inspired you, or if you found the genre (if that's even the right word) to be lacking in some way.

I read Venus Envy way back when. It was the standard I felt I had to aspire to, but I very consciously wanted to do something different. Personally, I have nothing to say about passing so I don’t talk about it.. As a community standard, I find it quite backward. When people recognize that I'm trans, they may not quite understand how to interpret what they see, but they are quite decidedly seeing me for what and who I am.

At one point, I remember a kind of meta-issue of Eve's Apple where Eve was trying to cheer herself up by going on-line and reading the comments section of her "comic discussion board." Which ended up being a REALLY bad idea...

Was this in reaction to some trolling you had recieved?

Ooooh, no, I wish I could describe this strip in a noble way, but it was actually a bit bile-ridden I'm sad to say, and it came from a dark place. I hung out for years on the message board of a popular comic’s creator who is famous to his or her 'tolerant LGBT views'. I found that under the surface, this person was far from the tolerant figure they present to the world. They defended the notion that transgender murder victim Gwen Araujo deserved to be murdered and that sleeping with a trans person was the equivalent of eating a sandwich of feces. They described this as a reasonable point of view that reasonable people might have. I left their message board, and they and their moderators made up some script about how I just didn't feel SUPPORTED when they were blaming trans murder victims and comparing sex with a transperson to eating feces. They felt that my arguing against these opinions were inappropriate and intolerant. The creator had previously argued that no books with gay couples should be allowed in elementary schools. This strip was a dig at that creator and their message board because it had been a part of my life for years and I had to release it from my system. Unfortunately one thing I've learned is that you never, ever, EVER criticize a creator from the Big Two. Their fans and blindly loyal and will attack you VICIOUSLY. I spend a certain amount of time gritting my teeth at the praise this creator gets, which I believe is unearned. But, I had to blow off steam somehow, so I did that one strip. I'm sorry to say, this probably doesn't speak well for me, but what can I say? I'm human.

Sorry… "Big Two?"

Ah. Big Two= DC Comics and Marvel.



With regards to the Princess, her Dad is basically a big, hairy pile of awesome. But I'm guessing he's a bit idealized. Do you think that most parents handle the situation as well as he does? What is the message behind his character?

He’s a counterpoint to Wendy. I try not to outright preach, and I don’t do an ‘essay/diary’ style comic, so I address those issues through the conflict between these characters. I decided to make him more accepting and the mother more controlling simply to go against the gender stereotypes.

Sadly, I suppose, I would guess that the more typical reaction, or arguably the best one that one could reasonably hope for, would be more along the lines of how things have worked out with Wendy. IOW: She doesn't get it, she hurts Sarah a lot (unintentionally), she's scared (etc...) but she's TRYING. Or, at least... that's how I take her. Or am I supposed to NOT like her? What's the message behind her character?

Wendy’s reacting by trying to protect, she’s trying to protect by controlling what she can, and she’s controlling what she can because she feels her power to give her baby the life she thinks would make him/her happiest slipping away. I suppose the message there is that that sometimes people do the wrong things for the right reasons. Sometimes the things that hurt us aren’t done from malice but from love. That doesn’t make it hurt less, but perhaps it means that you can have compassion for people who have done you wrong by trying to do you right.

She seems to have gotten her fair share of criticism in the comments section, but I'd be willing to bet that the haters are in their teens or 20's, without kids, and those that give her the benefit of the doubt (or credit for trying) are parents. Do you think I'm way off base on this?

I think you’re dead on with that. Those of us who have lived long enough to have regrets of our own understand even the best people can make mistakes. I probably would have hated her at that age myself. But, I’ve lived.

Princess started as a spin-off, of Eve's Apple, with Sarah making her first appearance over there. At the time, did you already have plans on creating the second comic?

By the time I was done with the second Eve’s Apple featuring Sarah, I knew. I thought about it and asked a few friends, but I had to. I was compelled to.

I remember at one point, you mentioning that the number of Princess comics surpassed Eve's Apple. And several characters from Eve's have made it over to Princess. Do you plan to continue with Eve's? (Please say, "Yes!") (Just kidding.) (Not really.) LOL

I do. I want to bring it to a satisfying conclusion at some point. I’ve not gotten to work on it for months, because I’m doing work for some of the books I’ve mentioned. To be honest, I wouldn’t mind that good fortune continuing. But some day, I wanna end it right.

In contrast to Princess, where I get the feeling that no matter what the world throws at her, things will still work out for Sarah, due to her own personal strength, and the presence of so many positive people in her life... 
 ...Eve's seems like more of a crap-sack world: Eve's life leading up to the story had to have been difficult, and she's very timid and vulnerable as it goes on; Lilith is (sorry) a bit of a bitch; Digby is in a miserable "relationship"; Candace is miserable; her girlfriend, Abelle, while content, perhaps, doesn't exactly seem happy; and even Lucy, arguably the most happy-go-lucky principle character in either story... IIRC, you bothered to actually draw the cockroaches in her apartment! (There's a question in here somewhere, hang on...) So it seems that the Princess is all rainbows and unicorns compared to Eve's, which is... well, fairly dark or bleak. Fair assessment?

Yes that’s exactly right. Eve’s world and Eve’s life is more or like mine spiced up to make it romantic and sexy. But even here, in the San Francisco Bay Area….. It’s just a really hard life. It means daily indignities and always navigating situations with a mind to the safest way through. Day after day and year after year that wears on you. It also came from a place of feeling that I could never have a place in the greater, cisgender lesbian subculture. It’s something I’ve needed, and I just never feel at home there so I just don’t really try anymore. It also comes from a feeling that no cisgender woman could ever want to be with me, or take me seriously romantically. Which, you know, I’m very happily married to the love of my life who is transgender like me, so it’s a moot question. But you know…. I’m still a queer femme and it’s hard to feel good about myself as a queer femme when I suspect I’m repulsive (or worse…. “Adorable”…..) to most other queer women. To those who don’t already know where I’m coming from, who can just appreciate me for me. To be appreciated as a woman, not just as a transgender woman. Eve’s Apple is an attempt to heal from that pain, but the whole work is colored by it.

Eve and Lilith have been on their date for, like, several months now (LOL - I did a web-comic myself for several years, and maintaining regular updates was always a challenge!) but why do I have the feeling that Lillith's just a page or two away from completely fucking up what was otherwise going to be a wonderful evening? And I supposed to LIKE Lilith? In there a happy-ever-after for Eve in all that? (If I'm violating a no-spoilers rule, we can ignore this!)

You suspect it because her story is about the same as any ‘bro’ comedy film you can name….. Learning now not to be an entitled douchebag. I think of Lilith as VERY unlikeable, but goddamn she is pure sexual chocolate. You just can’t help yourself from wanting her. At least Eve can’t. As for a happy-ever-after ending….. No promises there. This is not to say it won’t end on an optimistic note to some degree. Expect more of an “I’ve learned from my journey” ending to the series.

There's been quite a bit of art-evolution throughout both comics...

...with The Princess eventually going over to color. (Something that just doesn't seem like it would be right for Eve's Apple, if I may be so bold. LOL) Was the change to color meant to coincide with a plot point (like a Wizard of Oz moment, that I apparently missed) or was it just more of a skills/software/tools-upgrade at the time? If you continue Eve's, will it stay Black and White?

It wasn’t a Wizard of Oz moment….. The first color one marks the first strip I did digitally. I was trained exclusively in traditional media, and I liked the character of hand-drawn strips, but I figured that if I was going digital, I should embrace everything it can do, and that included going to color.

Eve’s will always be black & white. I tried color in it, and it just wasn’t Eve’s world.

The Princess features a very diverse cast - In addition to Sarah (and Mars) being trans-, you've got characters of different ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientation and religions; In particular, you've made it point to show that Sarah is Jewish. Does that come from your own faith, or was there some other reason for the decision to make her so?

This could be just a misperception of mine, but it seems like as the WWII generation passes, concern about anti-Semitism is disappearing. I just don’t see any of the young leftists worried about it, and I don’t think anti-Semitism is going away. Perhaps with the rise of evangelical atheism, religion is just considered unsavory to defend in any way? I’m honestly not sure.

When I was in grade school, I was bullied a LOT. One of the things bullies called me was “Jew” Well, I wasn’t Jewish, but that put me in a tricky place. I could, of course, vigorously deny it, but to do that would to concede that being Jewish was shameful. I could argue with them and explain I’m not but I wouldn’t care if I was…. And in fact I tried that. But bullies don’t care about that, they care about the rise they can get out of you. This left me with “Yeah okay. So?”

Finally, it’s a nod to the history of Judaism from out of Egypt today. They have faced oppressions that would make the modern leftist blush when they use the word, and they have endured and they have survived and they have remained a tribe. I find that hopeful.

The trouble is, I need to understand the faith better. I read a nice, breezy book on Islam to understand Basanti better, but everything I can find on explaining Judaism is dry and scholarly. As a result, she’s been pretty nonobservant on panel. I’d really like to be able to do better by her when it comes to her faith.

How much of a role does (or did) religion play in your life, and how has that affected (or been affected by) your decision to transition?

I was raised Baptist.

I’m guessing some of your readers will have cringed at that. Baptists are generally understood to be intolerant and ignorant. These were NOT the Baptists I was brought up with. Suffice to say, back in the day, there were more than a few ERA NOW buttons on women’s lapels in the congregation and a gay choir director. It was fairly yankee liberal. With adolescence, I stopped going to Church, stopped being a Christian. I got to that age where I learned what the Inquisition was and what the Crusades were, and I became disillusioned with the whole thing. In college, I flirted with Catholicism and Episcopal mass. I loved the high-churchiness of it, but wasn’t really able to believe. I’d come to realize that taken literally, I just could not get behind the core biblical stories. Over the years, I flirted with neopaganism, and spent some time meditating with Buddhists. As a result, my current belief system is something I call ‘spiritual gumbo’…. A bit of this and a bit of that. Thankfully, I came after a while to accept that the stories in the bible might [not?] be factually true, but metaphorical truth is also important, and I’m able to find inspiration in the Bible again. But I’m not headed to church. To people who sneer as faith by calling God an “imaginary friend” I say God is not my imaginary friend, s/he’s my METAPHORICAL friend. Metaphor is hir flesh, and I’m happy to embrace hir again.

As to how my religious history affected me……. Hmmmmm. That’s a good question. I can’t say that it played a role in my transition at all to be honest. I had taboos to cross to get to where I could transition, but I don’t recall any of those being religious based.

Prior to your marriage, had you been in other relationships, either as a male or as a female?  Were there any complications due to you being trans? Any advice (words of wisdom or warning) for those who haven’t taken that step yet?

Oh, yes. Not many romantic relationships, mind you. I was a very late bloomer, and I was in deep repression, ‘punishing’ myself for having thoughts of being a woman. By the time I started dating I was in a deep state of denial and repression, and very uncomfortable with sex. My self esteem was rock bottom and my suicidal ideation was near constant. I was making my best guess at how to act “like a guy”. I had no self-confidence, and I was entering into these relationships completely being dishonest with myself and my partner because of the fundamental lie that I was a man. Dating was a mix of longing and inability to connect due to lies and repression.

Do you have any regrets (related to transitioning, I mean)?

I regret letting so many people slip out of my life. It was easier to be alone than to share the company of others, but much lonelier and that loneliness accumulates.

Are there any aspects of your “old life” (please forgive me if that’s not the way to say it) that you miss?

I miss being able to navigate my local community with ease and without worry. I miss not being stared at wherever I go. But all of that that came with shackles, and I prefer freedom and integrity to an ’easier’ life of lies and despair.

Do you ever think about your old life or the “old you”?

No. For me it’s all part of a continuity. I never changed who I am, you know? I have no old life or new life…. It’s all my life. I know that before, I hated life and myself. I was lost in a web of compulsive lies, felt false, felt desperate, felt caged, saw no point to my life. I’m glad to be shed of that. I’m glad to live in honesty and integrity.

Do you ever catch yourself (or perhaps your wife) doing, thinking or saying something that’s like, “Ugh, typical male!”

I did for the first several years into transition. Today? Not as much. That kind of thinking always reflected self-hate. As I learn to find peace with who I was, I learn to accept myself as I am. “Typical male” kind of thinking buys into the notion that there’s a right or wrong way to be a man or a woman. I try to avoid that. I won’t say the thought never crosses my mind anymore… I just try to recognize it for what it is and let go of it.

A bit of an odd-ball question, but... To the extent that you remember your dreams (I generally DON’T) what gender are you in them? And was that always the case?

As well as I can remember them, I am one or the other, but usually that doesn’t enter into it. I think most of our dreams are pretty fluid.

Something I read recently in Chris Hazelton’s “Misfile” (a pseudo-TG web-comic of the ‘magical transformation’ variety, where the cis-male lead character was MADE female and is now basically an FtM Trans-character) struck me... Ash (the lead character) had just turned 18 and was looking back at his life (having been female for just under a year at this point) and one of the milestones he mentioned, of his losing touch with his “male” self, was that his “internal voice” started to sound like his “external voice.”

I’m assuming your “external” voice has changed? If so, has your “internal voice” changed as well? (Or is there still a male-sounding voice in your head? If it did, did you notice it when it happened? [Note: I’ll cut that short, if one of your answers precludes the other questions.]

I think it’s evolved. I don’t think that’s all due to gender transition, though. I really don’t think of the gender implied by my internal voice, I only think about my voice when I speak. In my thoughts, in my mind, there’s no confusion. It’s in interpreting my truths to be comprehensible to others that my internal critical voice enters into the picture.

Moving onto to more political topics… With regards to intolerance it seems to me that the Trans community gets the short end of every stick. You get it from the Religious Right, which is not too surprising (but to be fair, many Religious people and Religions fully embrace Trans-folk, so that’s not at all to say that Religion is “all bad” in this way!) But you also get it, as you mentioned, from many in the hardcore, feminist camp. (I’d imagine they’d hate FtM’s just a much – “gender traitors” or some such thing.) And I don’t find this to be all that surprising either. But was initially surprised how often Trans-phobia comes from the Homosexual community!

Yeah, there’s a lot of fear, spite, and acrimony between our communities. It’s a viscous cycle. Transgender expression and people were first excluded from the Christopher Street Pride Parade in 1972, because we were felt to give the “wrong impression” of the “gay and lesbian community”. We’ve been in a spiral of blame since. Some gays and lesbians saying we make them look bad or threaten their rights, trans people reacting in a way that doesn’t distinguish the difference between “some gays feel this way” and “all gays feel that way”. Speaking or writing disdainfully of the entire G&L community. The G&L community, especially those who didn’t feel that way become upset, and escalate their responses from simple discussion to defensive or aggressive tirades. We respond in kind. And on it goes, taking an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. We need to break the cycle. We need to seek understanding between us. And we need to remember the bisexuals and everyone else who are on this ride with us.

So do you feel that this “LGBT” Umbrella is an appropriate grouping or more like politics making strange bedfellows? It seems like the only things linking alternative sexual orientation with non-conforming gender identity is their political opposition. And yeah… surprisingly (HA!) it’s not always a happy little alliance.

I think it’s a historical, social, and cultural alliance. It reminds us of our common history, common culture, and common movement. It recalls how our fates have been entwined in history, and it reminds us that we are stronger together than separated in our various communities. I’m a big believer in the umbrella. Solidarity is powerful. We need to embrace it.

I can't remember right now where I read it, but a while back you mentioned an incident where a representative of the Human Rights Campaign made a Trans group take down their [blue/pink rainbow flag.] Now HRC gets a lot of, I would say, well deserved praise, for their work, and I count myself as a supporter of their stated mission – which, as written, includes Transgendered people every bit as much as LGB’s. Was this an isolated incident, or rouge individual within, that the organization perhaps mishandled? Or is there a pattern of behavior that people on the outside, like me and my readers, should be aware of?

It’s a pattern. The HRC has long has a disconnect with the transgender community, and have often advanced efforts for gays and lesbians through betrayal of promises made to transgender people. Former HRC director Elizabeth Birch famously addressed transgender issues by saying: “trans inclusion will be a legislative priority over my dead body.” We have long been the bargaining chip they have discarded in order to gain concessions for themselves. My disdain for the organization is Brobdingnagian. You’ll have a difficult time finding many transgender people who support the HRC. They have been happy to take our money, but seem to have felt no actual responsibility to represent us. There is a saying in the trans community: “You can tell when the HRC bus has come to town by the transgender bodies left crushed beneath their wheels.” There is no trust between us to build upon right now. I can’t imagine that this will change anytime soon. I don’t know if it ever will.

Just one of the pitfalls of putting too much faith in a Political Organization, I guess.

Now, related to that, I’ve been a long-time fan of Dan Savage. But I also learned that a few years back, HE made some pretty trans-phobic comments in what is otherwise considered his politically, socially and sexually enlightened column. Now he’s offered a half-hearted… I won’t even say “apology,” more like just a weak “distancing” himself from those words. And to be fair to the Trans- community, I’ve never believed in forgiving someone who’s never actually apologized. (Though at the same time, some of the response form the Trans-community sounded like it would have been more appropriately aimed at MIKE Savage than DAN Savage!) But what are your thoughts on that? And is this just another unfortunate consequence of the LGBT Grouping?

Dan Savage is a tough nut. He has undeniably done some good, positive things. Also, at various points he has undeniably embraced ignorance over understanding when it comes to transgender people. I respect some things he’s done, but it's hard for me to like the man.

You recently had Digby giving Wendy some perspective on whether it’s “worse” to be Gay or Trans...

He makes some fair points, but… come on! Do you really believe that Gays have it worse that Trans-folk, or was it more a question of opening her mind a bit? It does seem a fairly common occurrence for parents of TG children to assume they’re GAY, and once they are perfectly ready to accept that, the truth throws them a bit of a curve-ball they were not expecting. And isn’t that due to homosexuality being MORE accepted, at least in THIS country? I’m confused.

I don’t believe in saying group A has it better or worse than group B, because that always comes with broad generalities. I think the truth is that you have to break it down into individual experiences. You may assume an aggregate, and there may be statistics that might back some of this up, but I think that a lot of factors influence who has it worse as individuals. Who has a harder life, a gay kid whose family disowns her and casts her out, or the transgender child being raised by supportive, loving parents who tell her every day that they are behind her come what may?

One of my biggest frustrations with the Left is that they seem to want to break down “oppression” and “privilege” into a mathematical equation, so we can say A > B. Person A has it worse than person B based on trait X. Human beings cannot be generalized that way. It doesn’t bear out. Our experiences defy neat categorization. Individuals are influenced by thousands, millions of factors. Some are these factors are influenced by demographics but ONLY some are. Why do we need to rank each other on the ease or difficulty of our lives based on any given trait? It’s ridiculous. People are unique harmonies created by the totality of their individual experiences.

What if I were to say (let’s call it hypothetical right now… it might or might not be true in the story) that Digby ran away at 14 from fundamentalist parents who beat him for being gay, survived on the street turning tricks and doing hard, dangerous drugs, weathering physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, assault, and addiction? Who has or had it worse in that case…. him or Sarah? His experience as a gay kid, the things he lost and the abuse and degradation he’d have experienced will have taken him down a far darker road than Sarah. Because ‘gay’ is only one factor, and his situation is different from hers, even beyond the matter of their identities. The notion of the mathematics of oppression is based on the belief of “all else being equal” but the truth is that’s a lie, because all else is NEVER equal. It never will be. That doesn’t negate statistics such as murder rates, unemployment or suicide percentages. It just recalls that individuals are individuals, not generic members of any group they belong to.

What I was trying to say is that being gay often leads to situations that are difficult to weather. What I meant is that being queer, for most of us, is hard. Period. No need to compare or attempt to qualify it or determine who “wins” the award for Most Oppressed. That helps no one but those who wish us to remain separate. It is how we divide ourselves, and we need to remember that the other side of the coin from being divided is being conquered. Why not just respect each other’s journeys without qualification or holding them up to the yardstick of our own experiences?

An excellent point.

This also reflects a period of my life where I felt if I could only direct the scary Trans feeling I was repressing and transform myself into “just” a gay man, I might have it easier. This of course was foolish on so many grounds, and took me some places I’d not been before or since.

I was going to as you if being trans made you (or others in the trans- community) a one-issue voter(s) but then you mentioned right up front that you were opposed to some of the “sacred cows” of the Left. (For the record, this is why I prefer the term “Progressive,” as I rather think about myself as leaning FORWARD, that LEFT.) So what are some of those sacred cows? And… come on… As a transgendered person living in San Francisco, DON’T TELL ME you vote REPUBLICAN?! (*wink*) And where do trans-issues rank relative to some of those “sacred cows” that you don’t like?

Well, I’m registered to vote under the Green Party so it’s a rare thing for me to vote GOP. I’m not saying I never have, but I could probably count those votes over the years on one hand and not use all fingers.

I answered a lot about my problem with the sacred cows in the previous question. I think on the left we are obsessed with our differences at the cost of neglecting our similarities. I think we become so mesmerized by this theoretic ‘mathematics of oppression’ that too often all we can see are the things that divide us. We come to fetishize these things. We want to understand other’s ‘oppressions’ and in trying to do so we often embrace stereotypes while believing that we are gaining insight. We think that one person’s experience or opinions represent their entire group. For example I hear many non black people assert they understand the experience of black people by watching Chappelle’s Show. They honestly feel that this one man’s comedy program offers a cohesive vision of the entire African-American community and is the final word on instructing us on what values, ideals, and beliefs related to the black experience allies are supposed to embrace. Chappelle’s humor and insights can be regarded as important and I personally find him really funny, but he’s just one person and his work is satire. He exaggerates for humorous effect and to make a point, but because the humor comes from the differences between us, people who look to that as the most vital source of social commentary come to see the differences between us as the most germane issues. What about our commonalities? Where in the culture do we honor our common ground, or even seek it out? I don’t see much interest in commonalities. I see almost everyone in the left focusing on the lines that divide us, and judging those who dwell on either side. Most obviously to my life people see the division between cis and trans, and use the great oppression equation to decide which side is the good guys and which is the bad guys. The true answer to both is “we all are”.

We find ways to argue around our core values. We know we should never hate someone for what they are, but then we punish ourselves for being what we are. I hear so much along the lines of “I hate myself for being cis”, or “straight” or whatever. I see this over and over. We’d never accept hating other groups of people for being what they are, but we feel compelled to hate ourselves. We seek out the imbalances in the great oppression equation that relate specifically to our lives, and we feel the need to atone for any place where we feel we’ve had an advantage through acts of self-abuse. There’s a lot of self-flagellation going on in the left for the traditional fundamentalist reasons. We seek purity and absolution through punishing ourselves and we degrade ourselves to shed the historic burdens we feel we bear. We come to hate ourselves for what we are and we forget that we should never judge ANYONE for those things about themselves which they had no opportunity to choose.

Let’s instead come back to basic principles. All people have equal rights to life, liberty, and justice. It is unfair to judge someone based on what they are, only for what they do. No exceptions. Not even for ourselves, not even if the judgment is to our detriment and we feel we deserve it. Do not take unfair advantage. Respect everyone. If we’re to embrace Bob Marley’s ‘One Love’, that must mean for everybody, including ourselves, and that’s a beautiful thing.

I think there’s a ton of hypocrisy in the left. I see people beating their chests and loudly pronouncing their tolerance for everybody on this earth, and then I listen to them speak or watch their social media feed and it’s one constant stream of sneering at others, people they feel no need to be kind to because they have been labeled “The Enemy”. There’s constant mockery of people of faith for believing differently than they do. They sneer at people from rural communities or red states as ignorant, inbred hicks. They are literally judging people without knowing them based on one or two traits. Well, I hate to tell you guys, but that’s prejudice too. It’s great that you support me being trans and all, but out of the other side of your mouth you’re saying my mom’s an asshole because she’s from a small rural Mississippi town and goes to church? Don’t think I’ll respect you any more just because it’s only people like the rest of my family that you hate and not me. Don’t expect praise for managing not to include me among the people you judge and mock. I’ll say it again: ONE love, for ALL people.

So what are your “voting issues?”

My main voting issues right now are sensible economic recovery to erase our foreign debts, infrastructure and nation building at home, and a sustainable energy policy. Social justice issues are important to me, of course.

Do you find the current Supreme Court challenges to DOMA and California’s Prop 8 (Prop H8te, IMHO) meaningful to you and or trans-community in general? Also, perhaps an indelicate question on my part, but you are MtF, married to an MtF… that falls under “gay marriage,” correct? Were you married during that brief window that same-sex marriage was allowed in SF? Or were you already married when you or your wife began to transition?

As for the marriage issue, this is very personal. I, like most California LGBTetc folk, felt a sharp kick in the gut when our fellow Californians withdrew our right to equality under the law. MTF/MTF marriage absolutely falls under the same sex category legally… we had both long since changed our gender status legally. And, to answer your question, we’d only dated with both of us identified as women. My wife and I had been together many years, and the first day we were able to get a marriage license we were at our county courthouse with tons of other couples and a contingent from Westboro. We were married in June and I was happier than I had ever been in this life. And then Prop 8 happened. The loss of those rights felt like losing a limb. The results of the vote felt like a personal condemnation of our love. I’m misting up as I type this.

Another issue that’s important to me is a transgender inclusive Employment Discrimination Act. Although we’ve had to fight the HRC’s attempts to disinclude us, the momentum seems to be on our side for inclusion. But, this congress doesn’t want to cooperate on ANYTHING, so it’s probably going to be on the table for years to come.

Something that always fascinates me about so many political/social groups are the differences between the groups’ external politics (which are fairly well understood, predictable and universal) and their internal politics. I see a lot of this within the Autism community, having two autistic sons: We all want insurance coverage, better services, more support in schools, etc… But man, you get into talk about Vaccines, Gluten-free diets, neural diversity… WOW. You’re in for fight! LOL. And most of the time, the internal politics are things outsiders aren’t even AWARE of. So I’d like to ask you about some of your stances on these. (And if you fear the wrath of your comrades, please feel free to not touch any these with a 10’ pole!)

I’ve spent 20 years teaching Special Ed or otherwise working with developmentally disabled people, so I feel you there. We have some big divisions in the trans community. Some people think drag has no place among us, which reminds me of the Christopher Street Parade in 1972. People trying to distance themselves from those they find embarrassing. There’s a whole lot of internal squabbles. Most of them are quite undignified, so I’ll leave them alone. Suffice to say, whatever the question, it’s a good guess I’ll side with inclusivity. United we stand.

You mentioned having no strong feelings about passing, but what about going stealth? If someone does truly pass, 100%, do they owe it to anyone (their partner, or their fellow trans-folk) to be out and open about their gender identity?

I don’t think they owe it. It seems like something that would make a relationship with someone else hard, but I honestly don’t know all the issues with that so I won’t comment further. Sometimes stealth is necessary for us to survive in our lives and in our communities. On the other hand, people who choose to be out and make the sacrifices that their lives require are doing a service to the community and to their culture, and they deserve to be respected for that. That’s not to cast shame on those who are unable or unwilling or to imply that they’re doing anything wrong or aren’t brave. Everyone’s experience is unique, so no judgment. On the other hand, when we come out it tends to the greater social good and requires an amount of personal sacrifice. It makes things just a bit easier for our fellow travelers and helps change the culture. That deserves to be honored. It’s a touchy subject, making that distinction, but I think it’s important to make while respecting all of our brave hearts.

Is it ever appropriate for a cisgendered person to express their support for a trans-person by, for example, discreetly saying something to the effect of “I support you” (etc..)? Or is that just akin to clocking someone, and will generally do more harm than good?

Sure. Although you should probably wait until they out themselves to you, even if it’s quite apparent to you that they’re Trans. We tend to walk on eggshells around passing, because that’s frequently equivalent to our safety. To be read can be frightening. I am 6’2” and am largely the size of a small mountain. I don’t pass at all, but I still get nervous when someone points that out to me.

What about the idea that one should absolutely undergo the various surgeries “required” to be accepted in their chosen gender? (To be a “reel womyn” as Evelyn Poor so brilliantly satirizes in TGD.) Any strong feelings one way or the other about non-ops?

My opinion is this: unless you’re their doctor or sex partner, you have no pressing need to know what someone else’s genitals are shaped like, nor do you have any right to know. Just let people live their own lives, doing what they need to do to make their life worth living. If it’s not your business, don’t pry. I think the only people whose opinions matter on non op people’s gender and medical choices is their own. The rest of us should get over any inclination we have to introduce pressure to conform or to explain their choices. We haven’t the right to do so. Live and let live. One love.

I'd like to know your thoughts on the inclusion of Transgenderism (or “Gender Dysmorphic Disorder,” IIRC) in the DSM. And let just say that I’m not completely stupid (only partially): I DO realize that categorizing it under “mental illness” carries a social stigma. But it’s one that, as the parent of two autistic children, who takes antidepressants himself, and has had three different family members (none related to each other by blood) spend time in-patients at a psychiatric hospital, one of which was due to a suicide attempt… I’m pretty much over. Also, does it not lend a certain legitimacy to the “condition,” that is can actually BE diagnosed, that some people may not otherwise grant it? Also, unlike homosexuality, which was removed a generation ago, I hardly need a psychologist to tell my I’m gay. (I just need an open mind, and a willing partner.) And there’s no “treatment" required either. (Again, just an open mind, and a willing partner.) It just seems to me that a young transgendered person might have a harder time figuring things out (as you described in your own experience) and might benefit from discussing things with someone who understands these things, and has studied them. Plus there the whole thing with hormones, surgery, etc… I know that no one likes “gate-keepers” but having an official “diagnosis” also OPENS some of those gates, no? And can help develop and improve the standard of care, even (possibly) leading to better insurance coverage. (Who knows?) So TO ME, it seems like, for all its faults, the Trans-community is still better off, net-and-net, keeping it IN. But then… it doesn’t affect ME, so it’s not like I’m really entitled to an opinion on the matter. What’s yours?

I can see both sides. I tend to side with removing the category because I feel it’s based on the fundamental dishonesty that we are sick by virtue of being who we are. I would note, however, that there needs to be a study of the cocktail of psychological issues that transgender people tend to acquire by virtue of being in a culture that is hostile to gender diversity. For instance, some argue that we almost uniformly manifest our experiences in this culture in the form of post-traumatic stress disorder. I’d love there to be study focusing on what we’ve endured rather than simply that we exist. There is probably an argument for THAT being the included definition. Gender dysphoria should be understood to mean that the pain comes not from being who and what we are but from what has happened to us, what we’ve endured, from the time we could walk to what happened when we placed our order at Starbucks just now.

Just in general, what are some things CIS people really need to know (or accept?) that most still don’t? What are your number one or two pet peeves / fears / needs / goals, on this front?

The big one? We pee too. THAT’S why we’re in the ladies’/gentlemen’s toilet. ;’)

What is the best way to deal with those who believe that being Trans, or gay for that matter, is somehow a “choice?” I’ve had a couple of particularly thick-skulled thorns in my side this past year or so, and despite arguing this seven ways ‘til Sunday, I just CAN’T get through to these guys! Any advice? (I mean… WTF, right?)

Since we talked about religion earlier, let me answer this with a Bible verse:

Matthew 7:6 “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.”

Some folks just aren’t going to listen to your truth and they’ll choose willful ignorance instead. Screw ‘em. You can’t reach everyone. Of course, this is easier for adults than for kids and easier for strangers than it is for family. But if people aren’t going to be willing to listen, learn, and respect you for who and what you are. They won’t respect you no matter WHAT you do. If they won’t believe you when you tell them who and what you are, then let them go. Maybe someday they’ll come back. Maybe not.

Mind you….. This doesn’t make you less lonely.

No, I imagine that it wouldn’t.

Well that’s about all I’ve got. Is there anything you’d like to add?

I just want to say for the record that this has been an interesting interview with some great questions, so thank you.

Well thank you for taking the time to speak with me. I definitely have a new perspective on many of these matters. I appreciate you sharing your feelings and experiences and it’s been a very interesting conversation!

You can find Christine’s Web-Comics at:

http://www.drunkduck.com/Eves_Apple/ and http://www.drunkduck.com/The_Princess/

and two the books she's worked in are available on Amazon:

No Straight Lines: Four Decades Of Queer Comics, by Justin Hall
My New Gender Workbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving World Peace Through Gender Anarchy and Sex Positivity, by Kate Bornstein

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Terrorism by the numbers...

Haven't posted in a while, but I needed a place to quickly stash [the following] in the wake of the attrocious media coverage of the Boston marathon bombing, and the nearly non-exsistant coverage of the West, Texas plant explposuon which killed and injured about twice as many people, and cause many times the amount of property damage. (But, of course, was attributable to INDUSTRY, rather that TERRORISM, so... BEHOLD: YOUR LIBERAL MEDIA!)


Consider this…

According to Wikipedia there have been 8969 people killed by Islamic Terrorists since 1970. Over roughly 40 years, that comes out to about 224 people per year, on average. While (admittedly) only a partial list, that number is worldwide, and only considers deaths from ISLAMIC terrorists. (Obviously, there are many others.)

I’m sure I won’t have to make the case here that “all terrorists are NOT, in fact, Muslim.” But roughly what percentage of Muslims are terrorists? Is Islam really so inherently violent a religion that it engenders a culture of death on so large a scale?

Well, there are approximately a Billion Muslims in the world today. If we assume even that every single one of the above deaths was attributable to just one, single, separate terrorist (an absurd assumption, as terrorism USUALLY involves one person killing multiple victims) then even if every one of them were alive and active today, they would still represent just under 0.001% of the world’s Muslim population. And if you are inclined to believe that even 1% of the world’s Muslim population were radicalized enough to kill (suicide bomb, etc…) consider that this would put Al-Quaeda’s numbers at about 10 Million, world-wide – or just over six and a half times the size of the entire active U.S. Military. If that seems far-fetched, it should. After all, WE’RE the ones “winning” the war on terror: Estimates of the Iraqi death toll due to the 2003-2012 Iraq War generally range from 100,000 to 150,000 – twelve and a half times as many killed in nine years as the terrorists killed, worldwide, in FORTY. Even the 4486 U.S. Soldiers that were killed is an astounding number: that’s almost 500 per year, on average nearly twice as many as the terrorists had been killing on their own! IOW: You’re twice as likely to die FIGHTING terrorist as you are to die from one as a civilian.

Some other numbers to consider:

~3000 people killed on 9/11 in NYC, a city of ~9,000,000 people = 0.0003% chance of being killed by a terrorist, if you were IN NEW YORK CITY, ON 9/11 - the target city, on the day of the worst terrorist attack in history!

By comparison, about 30,000 people die every year in the U.S. alone, from traffic accidents…

…about 13,000 are the victims of homicide…

…and about 35,000 were the victims of suicide.

About 440,000 deaths are attributable to tobacco usage (including secondhand smoke), and about 300,000 are attributable to obesity.

And that’s EVERY YEAR, in THIS COUNTRY ALONE! Compared to 8969, worldwide over FORTY+ YEARS!

Tell me again WHY I should be so excited about terrorism?

Friday, March 22, 2013

There you have it...

Nope. No war on women. No culture of Rape. 


Thursday, March 21, 2013

And it only gets worse...

NPR's story about Women in the Military continued today, focusing on Sexual Assault for the second day.  For the record, Sexual Assault is only a small part of a much larger look at the lives and roles of women in the Military, but considering the magnitude of the crimes, and the repeated systematic cover-ups that have been going on for decades now, over Tens of Thousands of cases, according the the Pentagon's own  research, this is NOT a issue that deserves to disappear after the overall story is finished.

This segment focused on Myla Haider, who had been raped and did not report it.  Well into a successful career and serving in the Military Police, a case was brought against the officer who raped her. There were dozens of women on this case, most of whom were raped AFTER she was. So she testified. And after that? Here career was over. The next time she testified - in an unrelated case - the defense tainted her testimony with what was essentially an ad hominen attack: "You were a rape victim yourself correct?"

Suddenly Commendation turned into Reprimands and she was forced out.  This is unfortunately the RULE, rather than the exception: NO ONE gets to report thier rape AND keep their career. It's utterly sickening.
And the officer that raped her and so many others? Was not convicted.

The most extreme example was in the Aviano Case, in which the presiding General single-handedly threw out a JURY CONVICTION, and lessened the offense.

The story quoted this "brilliant" response from Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.:

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who is also a lawyer in the Air Force Reserve, says Aviano is an extremely rare case — and the system shouldn't change.

"We have generally held the view that the one person that has the power to determine good order and discipline is the military commander," Graham said.
Well, I have a proposal for The Right, Honorable Senator Graham...

I say we lock him in a room with a large, violent felon; a prisoner with a long history of sexual assaulting other inmates.  Then, when The Senator complains, we so thoroughly impugn his word, judgement and honor that he is no longer capable of functioning in the Senate, and is forced to leave his career behind. The, at trial, even after his rapist is convicted, we'll give some "Liberal," "Activist" Judge carte-blanche to throw out the Conviction, whole cloth. Which he will do.

And THEN, perhaps after offering the Good Senator some ointment, we can ask him how he feels about the Military's system of Justice when it comes to handling Rape cases.


A quick side note... I should say that moments like this are why Lindsey Graham is like the lowest ranking person on my "List of Republicans that I still like."  Compared to so many others, I think Lindsey Graham is generally a decent and compentant Senator. There are SO MANY TIMES I've heard him say something and and have thought, "WOW! He's so right! I wish more Republicans thought like this guy!" And then like five seconds later he RUINS it by saying something completely fucking stupid.  So, yeah, I still like him. But it's like a 51% to 49% judgement. He's bascially the CUTOFF, the guy on the bubble (as opposed to IN IT) in terms of my being able to tolerate Republicans. 

(If any anonymous posters are curious, some of the others over the years would include Arlen Spectre, Chuck Hagel, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, John McCain (not since ~2000 though) Lincoln Chafee, George H.W. Bush, and Colin Powell (pre-U.N. Speech). And, more historically, Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower were very good Presdients as well.)